Acidity PREVENTION TIPS|Symptom & Alternative Homeopathy Treatment-Dr.Sanjay Panicker|Doctors’Circle

Описание к видео Acidity PREVENTION TIPS|Symptom & Alternative Homeopathy Treatment-Dr.Sanjay Panicker|Doctors’Circle

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Dr. Sanjay Panicker | Phone 📞 080 4121 6688 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Consultant Homeopath | Amrita Homeopathy, Koramangala 4th Block, Bangalore, India | Registration No. A-6309 Karnataka Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine, 1997
The most common symptom of acidity is a discomfort or a burning sensation in the upper part of the abdomen or upper part of the chest or the entire chest. This burning sensation or sometimes it could be a catching sensation or a gripping sensation or a pain around the epigastrium that's the upper part of the chest just below the sternum or in the chest area the burning sensation of pain could be an indication of acidity. Some patients do complain of Shifting pain in the chest or in the abdomen like the pain is in one area sometime and next time it is in the other area. It keeps moving from place to place. Some patients feel a bitter taste in the mouth and sometimes it could be severe leading to even nausea and regurgitation of the food as it is common in gastroesophagal reflex disease. Now in this condition how do you manage first thing this happens because you're not sleeping on time you're not eating food on time you're not eating the right kind of food, you're not exercising adequately not drinking water adequately. These are the main five reasons why it can happen and the sixth the king of all reasons is stress. The more stressed you are the more you are prone for acidity. So if your stress levels are on the Lower Side you can solve one 1/4th or half of the problem. If you're eating food on time at regular intervals They say six small meals instead of three large meals is the best solution for acidity eating simple bland food or food which is not too spicy and not too fatty and oily will help to have a regular food in the digestive tract in the stomach so that the acid which is produced by the stomach has something to digest if that is not there it will corrode your own lining of the stomach it may also leak into the upper part of the food pipe the lower part of the food pipe is esophagus and cause esophagitis. This is commonly seen in people who smoke and drink a lot. avoid tea coffee if you have excess acidity this will also help you these are some of the common dos and don'ts which you need to do so that your acid secretions can reduce. A more fruit rich diet will actually help you to reduce acidity but not the acidic fruits like citrus fruits, pineapple, pomegranate. These are acidic fruits you have more bland fruits like banana will reduce your acidity to an extent. Watermelon will help you to reduce acidity papaya will help you to reduce. These kind of foods will help you overall homeopathic medicines used in acidity are most commonly natrum phos and rubenium. The other remedies like arsenicum album, nux vomica, lycopodium, carbo veg are also used in the treatment of acidity based on symptoms and this is best decided by a homeopathic doctor. It is not just acidity it can be acidity with burping, it can be acidity with bloating, it can be acidity with flatulence it can be acidity with nausea, based on that combination of symptoms that the patient has the remedies vary. Looking at the tongue the physician can tell a lot about what medicine to prescribe abdominal examination can give us an idea about what medicine to prescribe. So this all is important which you may not be able to do it yourself it's better to contact the physician especially in cases where there is erosions and ulcers to avoid complication it is best to meet a homeopathic doctor.

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