YES: Fostering Student Leadership Through Community Service

Описание к видео YES: Fostering Student Leadership Through Community Service

YES: Fostering Student Leadership Through Community Service |Next-Gen Impact (NGI) ‪@next-genimpact‬
YES: Fostering Student Leadership Through Community Service
YES: Fostering Student Leadership Through Community Service @next-genimpact
Our visit to Friends Welfare Trust Hospital and their Out-of-School Children (OOSC) facility on May 22, 2024, was a heartwarming and memorable experience. At the hospital, we engaged with patients through personalized "Get Well Soon" cards that we made ourselves with love and care, instilling the values of empathy and compassion.

At the OOSC facility, we conducted creative storytelling and art sessions, which were incredibly rewarding, bringing smiles and joy to everyone involved. The connections we made and the happiness we spread left a lasting impact on us all. These visits truly highlighted the power of kindness and community spirit.

YES activities are crafted with care, and their impact on both the volunteers and beneficiaries is truly invaluable.


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