Gorky Park, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Описание к видео Gorky Park, Kharkiv, Ukraine

The Central Park of Culture and Recreation was named in honor of Maxim Gorky, it has always been a popular place of recreation of Kharkiv residents. If we talk about the history of the park, I think very few of its visitors know that the Suburban "Nikolaevskiy" Park was founded in 1893-1895. and opened in 1907, when the trees grew a little. The laying of the park was carried out at the expense of the residents of the city, who not only gave money for it, but also actively participated in the process of planting trees, as a result of which the area of the park was increased to 98 hectares (it was planned to be 2 times smaller). In Soviet times (1932) the park area, which by that time was near the city limits, it was increased to 130 hectares, and after the death of the famous writer Maxim Gorky, Park was given his name. The park itself, and even the entrance to it during these hundred years changed several times. Previously, despite the presence of attractions, the park was more a resting place for adults and young people than an urban oasis for kids. Since the spring of 2011, the park has been closed for renovation - and reopened in 2012 on a City Day.
#kharkiv #ukraine [june 2019]


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