
Описание к видео 何謂基礎堅固的慈悲心?

達賴喇嘛尊者於1984年7月倫敦卡姆登中心 Camden Centre, London, UK


Title: What is Well-founded Compassion?
His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Camden Centre, London, UK, July 1984
The six paramitas are practiced with altruistic motives, namely, the paramita of generosity, the paramita of precepts, the paramita of patience, the paramita of diligence, the paramita of meditation, and the parajna of prajna. To build a very strong love for others, forbearance becomes extremely important. When you have a certain experience of forbearance, it is of great help to have real compassion for the enemy, or for your troublemaker, because compassion and love that lack the foundation of forbearance are biased. Usually we only feel compassion or love for relatives and friends, which is very likely to be mixed with craving. The main reason is that the other person treats me well, so I feel intimacy, isn't it?
The other (true compassion) should have nothing to do with whether the other person is a relative or friend. It is purely because the other person wants to get rid of suffering and gain happiness, so the other person's life is as precious as mine. Compassion generated from this foundation can encompass all beings with "I think". This is impartiality, true love and compassion, and there are strong reasons to back it up. Eventually, with long training, it turns into infinite love. Another kind of compassion, which is affected by greed and attachment, is dependent on the reaction of the other party. For example, if the other party does not treat him well, the original compassion will be lost. This kind of "compassion" has no solid foundation. All in all, the above means that if you practice the six paramitas with love for others, you will eventually achieve Buddhahood.


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