BILLY GRAHAM || Choose Your Path Serving the Lord or the Devil :

Описание к видео BILLY GRAHAM || Choose Your Path Serving the Lord or the Devil :

In this powerful message, the late great evangelist Billy Graham delivers a stirring call to choose your path in life - will you serve the Lord or the devil? Drawing from the book of Joshua, Graham reminds us that we all have a choice to make. Will we follow God and live according to His ways? Or will we succumb to the temptations of the world and the devil?
Graham's words are as relevant today as when he first spoke them. In a world that increasingly embraces darkness, Graham's message of light and truth shines brightly. He challenges us to make the right choice, to commit our lives fully to God, and to boldly stand for righteousness.
This is a must-watch video for anyone seeking inspiration, encouragement and a renewed commitment to following Christ. Be blessed and challenged by Billy Graham's timeless wisdom.
Don't forget to like, share and comment on this video to spread the message far and wide! Let's choose together to serve the Lord with all our hearts.


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