Subida al Picu Urriellu-Naranjo de Bulnes, Picos de Europa

Описание к видео Subida al Picu Urriellu-Naranjo de Bulnes, Picos de Europa

El Pico Urriellu como es conocido en Asturias o el Naranjo de Bulnes es un pico de roca caliza en el Macizo Central de los Picos de Europa, Asturias. Picu Urriellu o el Naranjo de Bulnes tiene una altitud de 2519 mts, no es el más alto de los Picos de Europa, pero es considerado como la cima más conocida en el mundo de montañismo en España. Picu Urriellu o Naranjo de Bulnes tiene una pared vertical de 600 mts y en su base se encuentra el refugio Vega de Urriellu 1960 mts. Hay muchas formas de llegar a la base de Él Picu Urriellu, la que demuestro en este video empieza en Pandebano.
El Picu Urriellu as its known in Asturias or The Naranjo de Bulnes is a limestone peak located in the Macizo Central region of the Picos de Europa, Asturias.Picu Urriellu/Naranjo de Bulnes has an altitude of 2519 mts, not the highest peak in the Picos de Europa but it's considered the best known summit in the world of Spanish mountaineering.Picu Urriellu or Naranjo de Bulnes has a 600 mt vertical wall of the west face, at it's base lies the Vega Urriellu refuge 1960 mts. There are many ways to reach the base of El Picu Urriellu-Naranjo de Bulnes the one featured in this video starts from Pandebano although it's a gravel path you can drive up from Bulnes a couple of kls further down the valley.
Picos de Europa are a mountain range extending for about 20 km forming part of the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain. Picos de Europa it's situated in the autonomous regions of Asturias, Cantabria & Castilla- Leon. The Picos de Europa origin of the name is that it was the first sight of Europe for ships arriving from the Americas. The region is protected as the Picos de Europa National Park. Almost all of the rock in the Picos de Europa is limestone & glacial action has contributed to create an impressive area of alpine karst. The Picos de Europa has many peaks around the 2600 mts & the best known is the Naranjo de Bulnes or Picu Urriellu, Spains most famous climb.


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