Mon Laferte y Juanes - Amárrame (Bass cover with tabs)

Описание к видео Mon Laferte y Juanes - Amárrame (Bass cover with tabs)

Norma Monserrat Bastamante Laferte, better known as Mon Laferte is a chilean singer-songwriter. She plays several instruments like guitar, piano, drums and harmonica and although her influences are mainly rock, blues and pop she frequently uses traditional elements in her music. The song "Amárrame" is from her fifth album "La Trenza" and features the Colombian singer "Juanes" who had a big success with his song "La camisa negra" in 2004.

"Amárrame" like "La Camisa negra" is based on the Cumbia rhythm.

Cumbia is amusical style and a traditional dance from Colombia’s Caribbean Coast, although it has been adapted in other latin american countries like Mexico, Peru, Chile, Argentina among others.


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