80th Birthday of "The U.S. Air Force Song"

Описание к видео 80th Birthday of "The U.S. Air Force Song"

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It’s the 80th Anniversary of the Air Force Song!
To celebrate this milestone we present a unique arrangement that was shot in one take…wait for the bonus ending from the United States Air Force Honor Guard!

80 years ago, composer Robert Crawford delighted the audience at the 1939 Cleveland Air Race with a performance of the newly minted service tune of the Army Air Corps.
$1000 was the prize being offered to the individual who would compose the song for the young service. Just two days before the deadline, Robert Crawford decided to pen a composition. Drawing on his own experience as a pilot in WWII, and also his professional music training from The Juilliard School and career as "The Flying Baritone," Crawford's composition was unanimously selected from over 600 submissions!

Years later when the United States Air Force became its own branch, the lyrics were changed slightly to reflect what we know and love today as the "Air Force Song." Please enjoy this special performance by your United States Air Force Band as we tip our hat to the extraordinary work of Robert Crawford that has stirred pride in our flying force for 80 years!

Executive Producer: Colonel Don Schofield
Musical Arrangement: Senior Master Sgt. (Ret.) Robert Thurston
Videographer/editor: Senior Master Sgt. Dennis Hoffmann
Assistant videographer/key grip: Master Sgt. Chad Randolph
Audio editor/mixer: Master Sgt. Jim DeVaughn

Off we go into the wild blue yonder,
Climbing high into the sun
Here they come zooming to meet our thunder
At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun!
Down we dive, spouting our flame from under
Off with one helluva roar!
We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey!
Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!


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