One Summer Night - Concept Short Film w/ A.I.

Описание к видео One Summer Night - Concept Short Film w/ A.I.

Synopsis: A lonely man recently broken up from a seven year relationship serendipitously meets an equally lonely, but daring, escort; in which both souls roam the dirty and busy Hollywood streets for a night of discovery and introspection.

This is a conceptual short film I made to show the tone, aesthetic, and loose story idea, of the full feature film this is based on. BEFORE I even began - as of the publication of this short - production on said feature film. Yes I'm that insane, but I just have that creative itch. This short film also helps provide context to what others; family and friends, might think I'm doing in the mean time, while actually filming the actual movie. I'm currently a one-man-band filmmaker with an extremely laughable budget, while doing it all guerilla style. (Yes I know that's not ideal and legal in some cases) But I did already tell you I'm insane right? The Indie spirit lives on. The big studio calvary isn't coming, I know. So this is the only way.

Last but not least, I need to mention the A.I. that was implemented on this short film. Yes I'm very aware of the controversy involving artificial intelligence on any human art medium, but what is A.I.? But a new form of art that could elevate ours. Don't get me started on truly self aware sentient A.I. for that's another topic all together. That we should treat them with all love, respect, equality and rights, that we intelligently mark upon ourselves.

I used Midjourney for the photography and for the simple yet not perfect animation. It will be a matter of time until these technologies would be far advance enough to have another critical jab at filmmaking altogether. Until then, let the light shine on us all.

Oh... and I spent a good 12 hours straight on this 2 minutes and 45 seconds long short film. Not gonna lie. I might do more of these sub genre A.I. short films. If only there was a far more faster, accurate, smarter software than the ones used for this.


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