Manual Driving Car All In One - #1 secret revealed

Описание к видео Manual Driving Car All In One - #1 secret revealed

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Check the rear view mirror signal right reduce speed as you drive to the turning point the turning point is where the center of the front right door passes the tip of the divider at u-turns with a narrow divider full lock steering wheel at the turning point stop to give way to oncoming traffic if necessary without encroaching into the lane when it is safe check the right blind spot if you are u-turning into a two-lane carriageway turn to the left lane if you are turning into a three-lane carriageway turn to the center lane at u-turns with a wide divider turn the car according to the curvature of the divider stop to give way to oncoming traffic if necessary without encroaching into the lane when it is safe check the right blind spot and turn into the lane nearest to the divider when the car is almost straightened return the steering wheel to straighten the car change back to the left lane as soon as it is safe to do so as you may have to look out for oncoming vehicles pedestrians and other road users coming is a frequent yet challenging maneuver as you may have to look out for oncoming vehicles pedestrians and other road users coming from different directions at the same time the objective is to enhance your ability to make a right turn this video will demonstrate the correct way of making a right turn to make a right turn form up in the correct lane in advance usually to the extreme right lane check the rear view mirror signal right reduce speed as you drive to the turning point the turning point is where the center of the front right door meets with the lane in front of the lane you are turning into as you reach the turning point analyze the traffic situation ahead comply with all traffic signals traffic signs and the giveaway rules stop to give way to oncoming traffic pedestrians and other road users if necessary without encroaching into the lane when it is safe to turn check the right blind spot and turn according to the curvature of the road into the corresponding lane usually the right most lane on the road you are turning into of slowing or stopping the car using the foot brake the objective of this video is to teach you the correct method of breaking the car this video will demonstrate how to brake to either slow the car to a target speed or to stop the car at a targeted point at low speed to slow down or stop the car both the foot brake and the engine brake should be used depress the foot brake early and firmly before reducing the pressure on the brake slightly till you reach the target speed or place to stop the engine brake is activated by releasing the accelerator the amount of pressure to apply on the foot brake depends on the speed and the distance to stop or slow the car you should apply more pressure on the foot brake if there is a shorter distance to slow or stop the car or if the difference between your speed and the target speed is greater before slowing down the car check the rear view mirror to ensure that it is safe to do so release the accelerator to use engine braking to slow down the car depress the foot brake to slow down the car to the target speed before stopping the car check the rear view mirror to ensure that it is safe to stop release the accelerator to use engine braking to slow down the car depress the foot brake and the clutch completely just before the car comes to a stop side is a common maneuver that may be executed for various reasons such as picking up or dropping off a passenger the objective of this lesson is to enhance your ability to stop and move off from the curbside this video will demonstrate the steps to stop and move off from the curbside to stop at the curbside identify a safe and legal spot as you are approaching the intended place to stop ensure that you are driving on the left lane check the rear view mirror to ensure that there are no cars following closely behind you signal left reduce speed and check the left side mirror and left blind spot next steer closer gradually to the curbside until there is a gap of about 0.5 meter between your car and the left curb stop the car at the intended spot apply the foot.


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