Ginger Snaps "Redesign Me"

Описание к видео Ginger Snaps "Redesign Me"

Heh, another one so soon?

I've been wanting to make this sooooo bad since my friend BinkaMinka pointed the song out and we both decided it would fit really well with Unleashed. Sooooo this is therefore dedicated to BinkaMinka since without her I probably wouldn't have ended up making this.

The "story" here is basically Brigitte trying to move on and put the events of "Ginger Snaps" behind her but can't help but look back on things anyways, or something like that. It also should be fairly obvious but [most] of the 'yous' in the song are supposed to be Ginger. YEP.

I'm far more satisfied with the video than the last one. I think it just turned out a lot better and it was easier for me to concentrate on. I only got stuck once or twice and even then only for a little bit.

My biggest problem was deciding whether I should use the "normal" or the "grayscale" version. Originally I had the grayscale version uploaded but after another few watches I changed my mind and prefer the "normal" version. So yeah, re-uploading :\

Enjoy, I guess ^^

Movies and music are copyrighted to their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made from this in any way. This is just for fun.


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