Описание к видео | TOA NUJU |LEGO| | 8606 | BIONICLE| |ULTRA BUILD|

Nuju was a Ko-Matoran scholar chosen to become the Toa Metru of Ice by Toa Lhikan. After rescuing the Matoran of Metru Nui, he sacrificed his Toa Power and became the Turaga of Ko-Koro.
Not much is known about Nuju's life as a Matoran. It is known that he was a Ko-Matoran scholar of Metru Nui working in a Knowledge Tower, and that at one point he had a mentor named Ihu. It is also known that Nuju met Vakama, and the mask maker crafted him an eyepiece for his Matatu. Then one day Toa Lhikan gave him a Toa Stone and a map to the Great Temple, where he met Vakama, Nokama, Matau, Whenua, and Onewa, and they all became Toa Metru.
Nuju controlled the Element of Ice, and thus could cause blizzards, create ice slides, and create anything out of ice. As a Toa Metru, he carried Crystal Spikes. As a Toa Hordika, he carried Hordika Teeth, and as a Turaga, he carried an Ice Pick. He wore the Kanohi Matatu, Mask of Telekinesis, which allowed him to move objects with his mind.
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