Malaysia Payroll and Employment Act : Employee Termination Regulations

Описание к видео Malaysia Payroll and Employment Act : Employee Termination Regulations

Termination means cessation of service due to company closure and workers redundancy. Redundancy situation can arise due to several reasons such as corporate restructuring, decrease in production, mergers, changes in technology, acquisitions and others. This does not include termination of service due to disciplinary action and dismissal of employees.

If workers termination need to done despite measures in paragraph 3 have been taken, the employer must endeavour to implement the following measures to reduce the negative impact on the affected workers: -

1. inform and hold discussions with the employees or trade union representing them as soon as possible regarding the impending termination;

2. offers voluntary separation/retirement scheme with best possible compensation rate;

3. pay compensation or termination benefits to eligible employees;

4. retire workers over the age of normal retirement age;

5. give notice of termination of service as stipulated in the employment contract. In the absence of such provision in the employment contract, the employer must give notice as specified under Employment Act 1955 as follows;

a) 4 weeks’ notice if the employee has been employed for less than 2 years;

b) 6 weeks’ notice if the employee has been employed for 2 years but less than 5 years; or

c) 8 weeks’ notice if the employee has been employed for more than 5 years

SMART Payroll Malaysia and HR Software by Smart Touch is a certified payroll software which fulfilled all the standards of payroll calculation set in Malaysia | which include all payroll calculation such as allowance | tax and EPF contribution calculations | SOCSO calculations | claims and so on. This turns the traditional manual way of payroll calculation to a new | simple and less hesitate way of doing job. With the integration of Time Management System | which replace the old and traditional timesheet | this successfully make the whole payroll calculation less time-consuming and easier. Biometrics devices which work together with Time Management System accurately records all attendance of staffs which able to avoid all unnecessary arguments and cheating.

1. Face Recognition and Fingerprint device integrated with Time Management System and Payroll Malaysia

2. Singapore Payroll by Door Access Control System using Proximity Card | Timesheet for Time Attendance

3. Malaysia Payroll and Job Costing Time Management System integrated with Real Time Attendance Kiosk

4. Payroll Malaysia and TMS works with Handpunch/Handkey (for Shipyard | Construction Site | BCA EPSS)

5. Payroll Singapore integrated with Time Management - How It Works (Biometrics System | Fingerprint)

6. Singapore Payroll Services integrated with Face Recognition | Fingerprint Scanner – Demo

7. Payroll Malaysia link with Proximity Card Door Access Control System and Tripod

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Sponsor of UUTV : Smart Touch Technology Pte Ltd
Product :
BCA EPSS systems | Payroll system | Time and Attendance system | Face Recognition system | Biometric Fingerprint System |Tripod system | Access Control System | Visitor Management system
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email : [email protected]
Tel : SG (+65) 63964767 JB : (+607) 3889903


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