Lesson 11 - Beginning Hymn Improvisation

Описание к видео Lesson 11 - Beginning Hymn Improvisation

Homework for this week:
At the Cross with improvisations and left hand octaves
Scales: C major, F major and G major (one octave hands together)
Theory: Identify all C, F and G major chords in "At the Cross" and whether they are I, IV or V chords


** Continue to practice hymns:
Sweet Hour of Prayer (C Major)
Hold the Fort (C Major)
At Calvary (C Major)
Nothing but the Blood (G Major)
My Faith Has Found a Resting Place (G Major)
Jesus Loves Even Me (G Major)
My Jesus I Love Thee (F Major)
When I Survey (F Major)
Trust and Obey (F Major)

** Continue to practice scales:
C Major one octave hands together
G Major one octave hands together
F Major one octave hands together

Title music: Fairest Lord Jesus with Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring arranged by Linda McKechnie


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