嘴唇干裂起皮有什么方法可以治疗 段行武 北京中医药大学东直门医院

Описание к видео 嘴唇干裂起皮有什么方法可以治疗 段行武 北京中医药大学东直门医院

嘴唇干裂起皮有什么方法可以治疗 段行武 北京中医药大学东直门医院

What's the treatment for chapped lips
This is targeted. It's caused by allergies, Try to treat allergies. In some ways, We can pay attention to give him some nutritional supplements. Dry peeling, That should be noted, Try not to be exposed to the sun outside, Because wind and sun can aggravate this situation. Try not to touch your lips with food like vegetable soup, Because it's a stimulus in itself, It may aggravate the symptom. Use some moisturizer properly, Use some lip balm. But we must use some simple ones, The ingredients are relatively simple.


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