Kubota BX25D HST cooling fan quick trick! 2 hours to replace!

Описание к видео Kubota BX25D HST cooling fan quick trick! 2 hours to replace!

Day 4 of owning or lightly used 2013 Kubota BX25 and a stick went up into the rear from the front and ripped the CV boot from the rear end driveshaft CV joint and then went on to clean the fan blades from the HST cooling fan on the rear axle.

It all happened in about 1 second, by the time I heard the odd sound it was already done. Luckily, I heard it, wondered what that that really quick and odd sound was.... and shut it down immediately and inspected for damage.

Next up is get the parts replaced and then put a BXpanded under armour shield in the lower frame. I really don't want to make a habit of this job.

Update: I never bought an over priced shield. I modified the factory shield by extending it forward and up, this completely closing off the front side access for any sticks. I feel that the version that I fabricated ends up being nearly impervious to any foreign objects, is easier to install and remove and still allows full airflow.

Photos can be found on Tractor By Net forum, my user name is Rock Crawler.


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