The Descendant Vibrato: Two-week update...

Описание к видео The Descendant Vibrato: Two-week update...

Remember the Blade movies with Wesley Snipes and Kris Kristofferson? Blade had "all of [the vampires'] strengths, and none of their weaknesses..." That's what I think about this vibrato. It gives your guitar all the strengths of Jazzmasters (great big tone and a fun, low tension vibrato bar) and none of the weaknesses (weak downward pressure on the bridge saddles, excess noise, lack of sustain, plinky tone higher up the neck). I'd have to be super picky to think of anything negative.

I don't have a relationship with the company at all. I'm just really excited when something innovative comes along that solves a major problem without compromising the guitar in some other way. Exciting stuff!


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