Proyect trauma - Illuminati

Описание к видео Proyect trauma - Illuminati

Created with Wondershare Filmora

The party has started, everyone is here
let's drink and dance to the rhythm of the moon
the champagne bubbles and calls you to, the non-reflection
everyone is enjoying, enjoying!

feed yourself and enjoy this unique moment
take advantage of trying not to think
when the party lights end
we will all turn them on again

allow me this piece sweet lady
let's spin on the dance floor
spinning until it hits the bottom
we are all celebrating
you are the host who illuminates us
we will dance with masks and masks
waiting for the party to end to come back...
start over...
and stoke the fire that keeps us alive

feed yourself and enjoy this unique moment
take advantage of trying not to think
when the party lights end
we will all turn them on again

we go to the compaz and the tik tak plays
I can't stop dancing
to dance with you, to enjoy
incandescent, luminescent
It's how my chest feels
while we enjoy the party
sweet companion lady
never let me go


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