Charcoal face soap from scratch | handmade soap with recipe | Homie soap

Описание к видео Charcoal face soap from scratch | handmade soap with recipe | Homie soap

"Hello, lovely viewers!
Welcome back to my channel. Today's soap-making adventure took an unexpected turn, but as they say, every mistake is a lesson learned. Despite the mishap, I'm excited to share with you the process of creating charcoal face soap.

Ingredients needed:
Olive oil - 84g
Palm oil - 84g
Coconut oil - 84g
Shea butter - 28g
Lye - 38g
Distilled water - 70g
tea tree essential oil ( optional) 12g

For sizing:
Olive oil - coconut oil - palm oil : 30%
Shea butter : 10%
water as % of oil : 25%
super fat : 10% (my skin is dry so I increase super fat for moisture )

Now, let's talk about the journey. As I prepared the ingredients and got everything set up, I was filled with anticipation for the final result. However, as I poured the mixture into the mold, it hit me – I forgot to line the mold properly! It was a moment of panic, realizing that I might end up with just one usable soap bar from this batch. But rather than dwelling on the mistake, I've decided to embrace it as an opportunity for growth. After all, even the most seasoned soap makers have their off days. So, what's the takeaway from this experience? Always ensure you have the appropriate liner for your mold before pouring the soap mixture. It's a simple step that can save you from potential mishaps down the line. Despite the setback, I'm eager to share the process with you and hear your thoughts. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of charcoal face soap together. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and don't forget to leave your comments below.
Let's learn and grow together!"

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