BoHan ~ Yibo & Wenhan moments

Описание к видео BoHan ~ Yibo & Wenhan moments

Chinese fans call Wenhan & Yibo "Bohan -World's First Love" (博翰世界第一初恋) because they were the first UNIQ members to meet about seven years ago when Yibo was 13 & Wenhan was 16. They used to be super duper close during UNIQ's debut era as you can see in the vid, however I sense that since they haven't spent much time together recently, they are not as close as they used to be - but they're still bros & they joke around with each other when they meet, like during the ot5 V Live recently when they kept trying to one-up one another with playing songs from their phones or had a whole skit about selling Juice in their Inke Live. Watching those recent moments inspired me to make this BoHan compilation vid.
"White Moonlight" is the song Yibo said he liked because Wenhan sang it to him for 4 years. btw ‘White moonlights’ refer to people that are out of one’s reach. Although they hold an existence in one’s heart, they are not by their side
video edit by magicalunicornsforever21
Most English trans are by UNIQ EngSub or FSOG.

Here is a list of videos used in order of appearance:

141208 iQiyi Music Chart
UNIQ's "Best Friend" MV
UNIQ's "Luv Again" MV
Valentines Day Gift from UNIQ video
150704 Yinyue V Chart EP97 UNIQ cut - FSOG trans
150108 MTV Music Village(4) UNIQ CUT - FSOG trans
UNIQ "Celebrate" MV making
141217 UNIQ's Best Debut extra cuts
150612 韩on!UNIQ cut
170724 UNIQ Inke Live -
UNIQ's "Best Debut" ep 2
160723 UNIQ Inke Live -
UNIQ's V Live
150704 Yinyue V Chart EP97 UNIQ cut - FSOG trans
[K-Poppin'] UNIQ (유니크) Interview
150219 《MTV New Style》 UNIQ EP2 - Eng Sub - FSOG
150707 Music Radio - UNIQ - Eng Sub by FSOG
Quick Q&A of UNIQ- From Young Choice of Tudou
141209 Idol School - trans by thepuddang on DailyMotion
3:51 Wall tud scene from 150704 Yinyue V Chart EP97 - trans by FSOG    • [ENGSUB] 150704 Yinyue V Chart EP97 U...   and original vid:

Fancam at 4:08 by Atutu with UNIQ 160416 -
141125 UNIQ Beijing Fanmeeting - Trans by FSOG/UNIQ ENGSUB
150703 YinYueTai UNIQ Part1 - trans by FSOG/UNIQ ENGSUB or original video - EP22 再次相遇 Ready!(上)

151128 Beijing Fanmeet UNIQ (유니크) VCR
150813 Greatest Music UNIQ Interview at 4:45
150108 MTV Music Village - trans by FSOG/UNIQ ENGSUB
[Greeting] UNIQ Debut 200 Days!
170724 UNIQ Inke Live
5:20 | 150703 YinYueTai UNIQ Part1 - trans by FSOG/UNIQ ENGSUB
150521 The show interview UNIQ
5:32 | 150704 Yinyue V Chart EP97 UNIQ cut/EP97 爱豆假期大作战 trans by FSOG/UNIQ
150526 UNIQ Meet & Greet - trans by FSOG found on DailyMotion
151225 Star! Mission Highlights UNIQ (유니크)
5:59 | 141125 UNIQ Beijing Fanmeeting - Trans by FSOG/UNIQ ENGSUB


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