Getting To Know God Session 10 God is Good

Описание к видео Getting To Know God Session 10 God is Good

If we truly want to know God, we must look into His Goodness. This is a part of His nature that is under appreciated and often misunderstood. To think of God’s goodness as only what we get is way short of the intent of God. He not only desires to bless us materially, but far more importantly to bless us with eternal goodness in what we become as His child. Getting is probably the least blessing we can receive. The more we get the less we grasp the importance of being transformed into a giver and the less we seek eternal blessings. The things of this world are passing away, but the eternal blessings are never lost. It is the goodness of God that withholds some of our request until we have grown in our capacity to hold those blessings to our good. To receive them without our growth will only injure us and prevent us from reaching our greatest good.


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