Whirlpool TDLR 6030S Washing Machine: How to use in 8 steps

Описание к видео Whirlpool TDLR 6030S Washing Machine: How to use in 8 steps

Step-by-step instructions on how to use the Whirlpool TDLR 6030S, a slim, freestanding top-loading washing machine. Its uniquely narrow sideways-facing drum means that it takes up little space in your home.

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Práčka Whirlpool TDLR 6030S: https://www.whirlpool.sk/tdlr-6030s-eu-n
Senzorová technológia práčok: 6.ZMYSEL
Menovitá kapacita prania: 6 kg
Otáčky odstreďovania: 1000 ot/min
Rozmery (vxšxh): 900x400x600 mm


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