3 Disturbing TRUE Home Alone Scary Stories

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3 Disturbing TRUE Home Alone Scary Stories.

so recently I had an experience while I was at a friend's house alone watching his dog that inspired me to do another Home Alone themed video I spent so much time reading stories of people's horrific experiences that I forget these things could happen to me too in a bit of a different fashion I'll tell that experience I had after the viewer submitted stories at the end of the video a more positive experience I would also like to talk about is my experience with scentbird a fragrance subscription service that allows you to choose new designer fragrances to try out every month at an affordable price you get to try the first fragrance from SB bird for only $8 and your next month will be only $16.95 the vials are cheaper than a lot of the roller balls or travel sizes you'll find elsewhere scent bird is a great solution for beginners in fragrance looking to experiment with certain scents Cent bird allows you to try different designer fragrances from Brands like Prada Gucci and Versace with the 30-day supply of any fragrance you choose this way if you're just getting into building your fragrance collection you can test out what you like and what you don't without having to purchase a full bottle through scent bird I found my favorite scents arrows Flame by Versace which mixes Italian lemon Pink Pepper and Vier for a classier scent and Cross River gorilla by Sanctuary for a more casual scent so if you're looking to start your own collection head on over to sent Bird by scanning my QR code using Code 55 nightmare to get 55% off your first month at sent bird growing up I was raised in rural Michigan there was hardly anything to do if you like staring at trees and crops and lots of alone time that was the place to be I got out of there as soon as I got a car and enough money to move I'm not a nature hater or anything but I'd pick be by a big city any day my parents don't own that property anymore they sold it 5 years ago but to describe it it was a 3 Acre property the house itself was pretty big and there was a storage building out back I was 13 when this happened my parents would leave me alone often at this age they trusted me because I matured at a young age and I had responsibilities on the property it was a weekend and I was playing Vice City on my PS2 in the living room when suddenly a loud metallic bang came from outside somewhere in the yard I right away ran to every window I could to look outside to see if I could see something and I didn't see anything until I got to the window looking out the storage building out back the door to it was completely open I went immediately to grab the rifle from the closet and go outside I made my presence known shouting who's in there to no avail when I got to the door I made it known I had a gun before looking inside there was a bunch of stuff in there from the sit down mower to the quad to infinite little Lawn Care items someone could have been hiding behind any of that stuff even as a kid I didn't scare easily but at that that moment I got really unsettled and so I closed the door to the building and went back inside the house I locked the door and then sat at the window for the longest time watching the storage building expecting the door to open at any second that door was heavy and impossible to just open by itself it was simply a fact that someone came and opened it whether they were still inside of the building I wasn't sure I decided to go call my dad and ask his opinion I went to the kitchen to the landline phone and called my dad's cell phone he didn't pick up so I left a voicemail this was back when you'd still have to leave someone a voicemail because texting wasn't mainstream after that I went back to sitting next to the window but now I put on a TV show in the background to make this less monotonous I took the phone with me I was probably about to give up when I heard creaks from upstairs my heart was now in my throat I had to ask myself the big question was I working myself up or was someone here I had a serious guard dog mentality even if I didn't love that place I saw


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