This Level Took Me Over 80,000 Attempts...

Описание к видео This Level Took Me Over 80,000 Attempts...

Edited by ‪@MultiverseGD‬, extremely talented.

Black blizzard… what can I say. Despite how long it took me to complete the level while timing is my worse skill set, I’ll have to say it’s an amazing level. The uniqueness that KrmaL delivers is always something special.
The predrop was horrendous and the bug at 22-25 is awful but the drop from 40-100 is what makes the level so much fun. If you ever want to play this level, just prepare for a lot of deaths because it’s a super grindy level.

Rating: 6/10

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Thank you to my tier 3 subs:

#geometrydash #gd #sikky #blackblizzard


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