Casual Crono's Another Eden Character Development: Bertrand NS

Описание к видео Casual Crono's Another Eden Character Development: Bertrand NS

Video 21 in my character development series. A few notes:

1. There are thousands of different ways to develop a character, and many ways depend on how you want to use them and who else you have to support them. My "Character Development" series showcases how to get characters to pump out lots of damage, both at mid-game and in the late-game. This is not a one-size-fits-all scenario, so don't think this will show you how to beat every boss in the game with just one character setup. Also please don't think that my method is the "correct" one either; I'm quite sure there are even better ways to develop these characters. I'm simply sharing what has worked for me.

2. The target audience for this series are for people who suddenly pull a random new 5-star character and have no clue how to develop them. I discuss possible gear and grasta to use, and who to party up with. Veterans to Another Eden may not need the information in these videos, or have additional insight they can share in the comments section.

That said, if you recently have gotten Bertrand and are trying to figure him out, I hope this video helps! If you have questions or need clarification, please post in the comments below!

0:00 Introduction, Gear, Skills
8:33 Bertrand vs Test Dummy
11:18 Bertrand and Free Team
14:50 Free Team vs Test Dummy
20:58 Free Team vs Laclair True Manifest
26:26 Bertrand with Advanced Team
29:57 Advanced Team vs Shadow of the Swordsman
37:46 It's Over 40,000! And Stellar Burst
45:07 Final Thoughts


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