Catholics Should STOP Using This Argument... (Biblical Canon)

Описание к видео Catholics Should STOP Using This Argument... (Biblical Canon)

You often hear pop Catholic apologists and common Catholic layman oversimplify the topic of the Biblical canon. It usually goes something like this: "The Catholic Church first pronounced the canon in 382 at the Synod of Rome under Pope Damasus I, reaffirmed at Hippo/Carthage, and CHANGED by Protestants during the Reformation!" This video briefly touches on how that is bad history and overly-simplified. Regardless, Sola Scriptura is still challenged when one realizes how much disagreement there was on the Biblical canon among Christians even in the 16th century.

0:00 The "argument" popular apologetics uses
3:01 The history of the Synod of Rome
4:36 Problem #1: The decree itself and its STRONG language
5:58 Problem #2: Verbatim quote from St. Augustine
7:03 Problem #3: Scholarship on the council
8:25 St. Jerome's witness
9:16 Problem #4: The canon was NOT a CLOSED issue in the fourth century
11:47 Problem #5: Even Cardinal Cajetan rejected the deuterocanon
14:04 A BETTER argument for Catholicism?


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