
Описание к видео 【速度最快空空导弹排名TOP10】台湾天剑二导弹上榜,其速度超越美军AIM-120空空导弹

00:00 前言
00:28 AIM-9空空導彈
01:19 R-77空空導彈
02:06 AIM-54空空導彈
03:03 巨蟒空空導彈
03:43 米卡空空導彈
04:35 AIM-120空空導彈
05:42 歐洲流星空空導彈
06:57 阿斯特拉空空導彈
07:38 天劍二型空空導彈
08:13 R-37M空空導彈
08:46 結束

“阿斯特拉”導彈是印度自行研製的超視距空對空導彈。該導彈迎頭攔截敵機時射程80千米,以尾追方式攔截時射程20千米。印度計劃將其配備到蘇-30等先進戰鬥機上。 “阿斯特拉”雖然被印度稱為是自主研製的導彈,其實在整個設計過程中始終得到了俄羅斯和法國設計人員的幫助,這從其空氣動力外型上就可見一斑。 “阿斯特拉”導彈看上去像R-77和“瑪特拉”超530導彈的混合體。 “流星”空空導彈是以吸氣式發動機為動力的新一代空空導彈。該彈採用了主動尋的雷達導引頭及雙向數據鏈技術,發動機燃氣流量調節比大於10,具有相當寬的飛行包線。通過對該彈的各項性能的分析,可以確定“流星”導彈的整體作戰性能將超過世界各國現役的各型中程空空導彈。

The Astra missile is a self-developed over-the-horizon air-to-air missile. The missile has a range of 80 kilometers when intercepting enemy aircraft head-on, and 20 kilometers when intercepting in tail-chasing mode. India plans to equip it with advanced fighter jets such as the Su-30. Although "Astra" is called by India as a self-developed missile, in fact, it has always been assisted by Russian and French designers throughout the design process, which is evident from its aerodynamic appearance. The Astra missile looks like a hybrid of the R-77 and the Matra Super 530. "Meteor" air-to-air missile is a new generation of air-to-air missile powered by air-breathing engine. The bomb uses an active homing radar seeker and two-way data link technology. The engine gas flow adjustment ratio is greater than 10, and it has a fairly wide flight envelope. Through the analysis of the performance of the bomb, it can be determined that the overall combat performance of the "Meteor" missile will exceed that of various types of medium-range air-to-air missiles currently in service around the world.


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