Mechwarrior 2 Remake Showcase - Clan Wolf - Mission 1 Pyre Light

Описание к видео Mechwarrior 2 Remake Showcase - Clan Wolf - Mission 1 Pyre Light

Fan remake of Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century Combat using Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries modding tools.

Get the mod here:

If you want to support the project, please consider subbing to the Patreon   / celestialmechworks  

While making all the classic mechs for Mechwarrior 5, I've also learned mission scripting and modding thanks to PGI's excellent mission tutorials by Thad Jantzi (thank you a ton Thad!). The project that I've undertaken is to recreate the iconic and legendary Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century Combat in MW5's engine using the classic mechs. So far this is only the first mission 'Pyre Light' in the Wolf Campaign.

You should approach this as a sort of demo of what's possible with the mission modding in Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries. I would love to remake the entirety of Mechwarrior 2 with both the Jade Falcon and Wolf campaigns. But this would be a big endeavor, so this demo is to gauge how many are actually interested, how many actually like what I'm able to create, and how many would support and appreciate such a project. So let me know in the comments or over social media if you like the result of the many, many, many hours of work that I put into this. The appreciation is what drives me to spend my evenings after my jobs are done and my family is asleep, so it means a lot if people actually like what I do. Especially as only one person doing everything. So thank you all.

If the interest and appreciation is high enough, I will continue to remake Mechwarrior 2. You can support my mech modding and occasional Mechwarrior 2 Remake efforts on the Patreon

How to play:

Make sure the mod overwrites other mods.
Start the MW2 Remake by selecting Career and browsing to the right until you hit the MW2 Remake 'faction'.
Do not enable this mod for regular campaign playthroughs as it changes up parts of the main systems!
YAML is currently unsupported! YAML support might come later, but right now this is just a quick demo showcase so I recommend trying it out without YAML for a quick run. I also want the Reactor Explosion & Ejection mod to replicate how it looks in MW2.

Upcoming features

Integrate the MW2 Cinematics (RAD Tools aren't replying to my e-mails so that I cannot get the bink2 plugin for Premiere)
Mission 2: Flame Tongue
Timothy Seals version

My future hopes is to remake in Mechwarrior 5 Clans with four versions:

With PGI's Clan mechs and Jeehun Hwang's classic music
With the classic Clan mechs and Jeehun Hwang's classic music
With PGI's Clan mechs and Timothy Seal's re-interpretations
With the classic Clan mechs and Timothy Seal's re-interpretations

Alan Yeoh aka MekaRamen for the Mad Dog
Ian Kilroy aka Farseer Animation for his Jenner IIC
Michael Long aka Vertex Normal for his Nova
KodiakJ for their Fire Moth (external mod) - support them on Ko-Fi
Von Seiten for his smoke emitter and general chatting
MagnumGB for his Reactor Explosions & Ejection (external mod)
Thad Jantzi for the excellent mission tutorials
Scott Goffman for his amazing Mechwarrior 2 art


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