Classic WoW ret reckoning paladin Duel Tournament

Описание к видео Classic WoW ret reckoning paladin Duel Tournament


General Rules
Stealth classes always get an uncontesed opener (rouges, droods)
Warriors get an uncontesed charge at the start of the duel
You are only allowed to use/buff what your class can buff/conjure
No mounting
No respecs
No perma resetting fights."will explain"

-Health pots,thistle tea, and every other consume FAP LIP etc. With the exception that Warriors can use 1 FAP against mages.
-Noggen fogger
-Magic dust
-Ressistance stacking is banned: you cant stack ele resist vs casters, maximun Resistance vs an element is 50 (unbuffed)
-Whipper Root Tubers
-Petrified Scarab
-Arcanite Dragonling
-Goblin/Bronze Mortar
-Gnomish Cloaking Device
-The Burrower's Shell
-Glimmering Mithril Isnignia
-Enginering reflectors
-Tidal Charm
-Arena Grand Master
-Cannonball Runner
-Badge of the Swarmguard
-Linken's Boomerang
-Mind Control Cap
-Goblin Rocket Helmet
-Discombolator Ray
-Gnomish Death Ray
-Ice Deflector
-Rogue's ZG trinket
-Flash Bomb "allowed against Hunters, but NOT against Druids!"
-It's NOT allowed to swap trinkets during the duel.

-Ez-Thro Dynamite and Iron Grenades are the ONLY Explosives Allowed!

-Pre trapping is not allowed
-Perma resetting a fight with sheep is not allowed
-Presacking is not allowed
-Soul Link spec is not allowed
-Perma reseting a fight with fear is not allowed
-Enslaving demons like Infernal and Doom guard is not allowed
-Stacking cps with the cheap shot macro is considered perma resetting the fight so its not allowed
-Flask set swap at beginning or before the duel is not allowed
-Warriors are allowed to hit their opponent before duel start to buff shout
-Perma resetting a fight with Travel Form is not allowed

1st place 1000g
2nd place 300g
3rd place 200g


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