Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety EU debates with Health Ministers

Описание к видео Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety EU debates with Health Ministers

For over a month now we have been living in very dark times following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It is heartbreaking to see during my visit the people fleeing their homes and leaving their lives and livelihoods behind. But is is also heartwarming to see European solidarity in providing them with the healthcare and support that they need.

We are here to today in the Health Ministers Council to reaffirm that solidarity in sending medicine and other supplies. In taking patients to other member states that need care. We have secured over ten thousand beds and have already transferred pediatric patients, patients who are injured and we will do more. And also in having expert teams on the ground , of doctor and others in order to be able to support the borderline member states. So in EPSCO today we'll be discussing the Ukrainian crisis from the health perspective.

We'll be discussing the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic, the need to vaccinate as many as possible and also the issue of rare diseases, which we know affects millions of people throughout the EU. These are difficult times but we know that as Europe we stand stronger. Thank you.
#eudebates #KYRIAKIDES #Health

The Council starts by a Commission information point on the European response to the health challenges arising from the war in Ukraine. Following their informal meeting via videoconference on 15 March, ministers discussed the health consequences of the war in Ukraine and the coordinated and inclusive response to it. The Commission presents the health aspect of its communication on EU support to member states to meet the needs of refugees. This includes a solidarity mechanism to enable emergency hospital treatment of patients from Ukraine, the provision of vaccines, as well as targeted mental health measures.

Moreover, The presidency presents several information points on ongoing legislative and non-legislative work and on the outcome of ministerial conferences held in the field of health since January.

Furthermore, ministers exchange views on the European response to rare diseases. They hold a policy debate on the upcoming challenges of the EU’s vaccine solidarity strategy. The Commission will inform delegations about the health and humanitarian situation in Ukraine. Representatives of ECDC and EMA will be present at this item. The presidency informs about the recently adopted Council decision authorising the opening of negotiations for an international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, as well as the negotiation of further amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Finally, the presidency informs ministers about the ongoing negotiations between the Council and the European Parliament with a view to reaching an agreement on a common position on a regulation on serious cross-border threats to health.

EU Health Ministers meet on 29 March 2022 in Brussels. The meeting is co-chaired by Adrien TAQUET, State Secretary for Children and Families, attached to the Minister for Solidarity and Health of France and Olivier VÉRAN, Minister of Solidarity and Health of France. Ministers discuss the European response to the health challenges arising from the war in Ukraine.


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