The Epson Perfection V600 Photo Scanner | Is It Really Total Cr@p?

Описание к видео The Epson Perfection V600 Photo Scanner | Is It Really Total Cr@p?

The on-line world is full of wildly opposing views. If you look at any product review (regardless of what it is) there will be people who love it and people who hate it. If you're thinking of buying something and relying on reviews to make your purchasing decision, who do you believe when no one is impartial?

The solution is not to believe anything you hear or read. Take a look at the evidence yourself and make up your own mind. Recently, I received a very critical comment about the Epson V600 scanner. This video is my response.

00:00 Negative comments
01:02 The reality about the image quality of film
01:44 Does image quality really matter?
03:30 My film cameras
04:42 The many advantages of digital photography
05:35 Dates of scanned images
06:20 Scanned image samples
10:54 Your conclusions?
11:02 Digitising negatives with a macro lens and DSLR

Buy Epson V600 Scanner from Amazon:

"As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases." Amazon requires me to make this statement, but I only recommend products that I own, use and/or endorse. I receive a small commission if you use my affiliate link, but your purchase price remains the same.

If a new V600 scanner seems too expensive, pre-owned scanners can be found on eBay using the following link:

Website review:

Sample scans:


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