HalDIY Reviews - Earthquake K32 Chipper Shredder Model 33968

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I open the box, assemble, and try out an Earthquake K32 212cc 4-stroke Chipper Shredder. The package includes everything you need to start shredding/chipping except a set of metric wrenches and sockets. The K32 is made in China. The design seems well thought out. A damper helps you keep things out of the shredder, a cover keeps things out of the chipper. The oil and a flexible oil filler are included! The nuts are Nyloc type so will not get lost if they happen to vibrate loose. The package is 131 pounds so you need to be prepared to handle that weight. There was too much snow and mud to try pulling the solid wheels across the yard. The weight and the acres I need to cover makes me think I'll just put it on a pallet and then move that around with my tractor. The chipper handles branches up to 3 inches but at that size I'm making firewood for the fire pit so I expect this chipper shredder will handle all my needs producing compost and mulch to put right back into the land.


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