Fake Schecter Synister Gates with Veyz Sustainer

Описание к видео Fake Schecter Synister Gates with Veyz Sustainer

Quick Test Veyz Sustainer

Sustainer Normal Mode (works great)

Sustainer Harmonic Mode (Not bad, but not good on 1st string)

Clean tone.
Good Tone for bridge pickup.
Bad Tone when Toggle Switch on Neck Position.
Also bad on center position.

Crunch Tone.
Good Crunch for bridge pickup!
Doff tone for neck position.

Fact. The neck pickup is only sustainer driver!
It doesn't work as real neck pickup!
The PCB change the bridge pickup tone to replicate the neck pickup tone. But it doesn't work really good.

Different Gain between Bridge Pickup & "Neck Pickup Wannabe".

#Sustainer #CheapSustainer #SchecterGuitars #FakeSchecter #SynisterGates #AvengedSevenfold


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