Lion Man | Fascinating Story of George Rushby | Njombe Man Eaters| Hunting Adventure | Julius Manuel

Описание к видео Lion Man | Fascinating Story of George Rushby | Njombe Man Eaters| Hunting Adventure | Julius Manuel

Between 1932 and 1947 an entire pride of 15 lions turned to man-eating in Southern Tanzania. George Rushby, the game warden who eliminated the pride, considers the Tsavo lions small game compared to those of Njombe. During their fifteen-year reign, the lions worked together and developed a relay system to safely drag their victims into the bush. They ended up claiming the lives of some 1,500-2,000 people. Legend says the lions were not normal lions but animals under the spell of a spiteful witch doctor named Matamula Mangera who unleashed them upon the locals after he lost his job as Headman of the Iyayi village. As the lions harassed the villagers, they begged the local chief to restore Matamula to his post but the chief refused and the killing continued.
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Lion Man | Fascinating Story of George Rushby | Njombe Man Eaters| Hunting Adventure | Julius Manuel
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Music/ Sounds: YouTube Audio Library
Video Footages : Storyblocks
#malayalam #history #storytelling # thrilling story #voyages #expedition #ocean #julius manuel #Survival #adventure #real story #real adventure #real survival #forest adventure Hunting story African story rescue Njombe man eaters lion hunting classic hunting vintage hunting tracking lions lion man watu simba man become lion tanganyka myth of lion man adventure story true story survival story safari escape half lion


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