Walking in Grace | Ephesians 4:1-6 (We Need Grace Sermon Series - What's the next step?)

Описание к видео Walking in Grace | Ephesians 4:1-6 (We Need Grace Sermon Series - What's the next step?)

Pastor Jonathan Romig preaches a biblical sermon on Ephesians 4:1-6, explaining how we can walk worthy of God's calling on our lives. What's the next step?

✅ Helpful Links:
Full Church Service:   / 259409921414009  
Sermon Manuscript: https://www.cornerstonewestford.com/s...

⛪️ Cornerstone's Congregational Church, Westford, MA:
   / Канал  

🌿 Ways to Connect:
Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/pastorjromig
Main Facebook:   / jonathanandmonicaromig  
Political Discipleship Facebook:   / faithandflourishinginpolitics  
Instagram:   / jonathanmonicaromig  
TikTok:   / jonathanmonicaromig  

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⌛️ Originally published 11/4/2018.

🌄 Photo Credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/outdoors-p...

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