Amesbury Speaks | Short Documentary

Описание к видео Amesbury Speaks | Short Documentary

Documentary filmmaker, Paul Salvatori, returns to north Toronto's Amesbury area, where he grew up and spent the formative years of his life, in an attempt to capture its vitality, largely obscured by its impersonal suburban design. Along the way, he meets unique creative, political and spiritual people who, on the one hand, embody such vitality but, on the other hand, reveal--through their lived experience--a general dissatisfaction about modern life, such as feeling unheard and socially disconnected. Receiving the wisdom from artist friends, Paul is encouraged by the power (and possibility) of love to resolve this tension in Amesbury, ultimately making it a happier, more livable place.


Special thanks to the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and the Amesbury Community Committee for providing generous financial support to and guidance in the production of this film.


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