Snow White Shillong, Mawlynnai, U Rangdajied

Описание к видео Snow White Shillong, Mawlynnai, U Rangdajied

Song: Mawlynnai (Diamond)
Album: U Rangdajied

Mawlynnai was the first original song played by Snow White Shillong. The band had been playing it in live concerts much before it was recorded in a studio in 2004.

The song, Mawlynnai, has no chorus and consists of 4 verses each telling a story of a particular character. The first tells a story of a warrior who is always fighting and whose life is occasionally punctuated by blood (here signified by the word 'saw' meaning red. Red colour is symbolical of danger and blood). The second verse tells a story of a busy man living in the city. He is always busy running and sweating for material things but he doesn't know that life would come to a sudden end. The third verse tells a story of a melancholic as well as sick-at-heart singer who continuously sings from the bottom of his heart. Here, his melancholy is represented by the yellowish colour which is a colour symbolizing sickness. Trees and other entities of the natural world fall / decay and this makes him more aware of the destruction around him. The fourth is about a dreamer who continuously asks questions. He realises that even the institutes established by man (here represented by "ki ïing ki Blei" meaning houses of the Gods, here, the Gods we have come to worship eg: 'Lei San Snem, the 5 year Gods or elected politicians and other powerful people who monopolise the various establishments for their own selfish interests only) will fall. Each verse, however, ends with the assurance that the dew drops seen every morning will continue to shine. The dew drops shine like diamonds (Mawlynnai) and inspite of the struggles of man represented by the warrior's blood, the sweat of the city man, the sickness of the singer and the sad realisation of the dreamer / thinker, the dew drops will continue to fall and shine like diamonds (Mawlynnai). The diamond-like dew drops represent the continuity of life inspite of the blood, sweat, sickness and disappointment in man's existence. The traditional Khasi dancers dancing in a circle and the hands ploughing the land and planting crops symbolise the continuity of life.

Produced by Snow White Shillong in 2004.
Music Arrangement: (L) Manfulson Lyngdoh (the band's former guitarist) and Donboklang Ryntathiang (the band's bassist).
Song written by Donboklang Ryntathiang.
Vocals: Timmy A. Kharhujon.
Guitars: (L) Manfulson Lyngdoh.
Drums: (L) Jimmy Ross Massar.
Bass: Donboklang Ryntathiang.
Directed by Oinam Doren.


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