Saberbay/Jimmys Saber Junk ‘Republic Commando’ With a Custom Removable Chassis

Описание к видео Saberbay/Jimmys Saber Junk ‘Republic Commando’ With a Custom Removable Chassis

This is the Republic Commando from @TheSaberBay designed by @jimmys_saber_junk that I have installed with a custom removable chassis. Chassis makes a connection to the upper section of the hilt and control box through a 6 rail rotary PCB set. The customer also requested that the lenses in the control box have some shine through, so I set these up with some of Sams new 5mm neopixel accents from @shadowfoilprops


Proffie v2
28mm Dark Side Bass Speaker from @SmugglersOutpost
6 rail PCB from Smugglers
5mm Neo accents from Shadowfoil
Custom Chassis by me
Lit PCB Emitter from CCsabers


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