Bug-Out Bags & Surplus Only Kit (Part 2)....bexbugoutsurvivor

Описание к видео Bug-Out Bags & Surplus Only Kit (Part 2)....bexbugoutsurvivor


Transferring 18.2 kilos of kit from my 120 litre bergen to other packs/rucks/bergens, OF various litre capacity...

My personal view for the PLCE Bergen, is that I don't believe its true capacity. This can been demonstrated here, as I transfer 120 litres of kit into just 60 litre pack.....

Another approach to bug out builds would be to use non surplus kit (shelter insulation & cook set) in order to reduce weight for those wishing to adopt this option....

Others will have the mind set to use surplus kit only, believing the advantage of more durable kit, out weighs carrying the extra kilos....

My personal thoughts on the functionality of bug out bags, are that a mix of ex issue kit, and civilian camp kit is more than adequate for a short term bug out. However long term survival will take on a whole new approach, and different methodology.. From some using less kit and relying on experience, and preferring to use more tooling and preps, to people who will have less experience and then will need more kit...

As I always say, its not a one size fits all world, and a bug out bag should be tailored to the individual needs, using their own key skill set....



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