The Shining Ones, The Watchers, and The Nephilim, The Ancient Sumerian Elder Gods Are Returning

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The Shining Ones #Sumerians #anunnaki #igigi
'Shining One' is an ancient Sumerian word for "gods." the Shining Ones refer to various groups of gods with their names changed and their identities intertwined due to cultural transfers. They are also known as The Watchers, Angels, Sages, Apkallu, and Immortals.

The Watchers - The Watchers are mentioned in the Bible in a book called Enoch (2 Enoch 6:1-8), where they were said to be angels who taught humans the ways of civilization before being cast out of Heaven by God. According to this legend, they lived among us on Earth but became too attached to human customs, forcing them out into outer space when God saw what was happening.*
The Watchers, or Grigori (used in the Book of Enoch), were angels who descended to Earth and took human wives. As a result of their disobedience, God cast them out of Heaven; He then made Eve so that Adam would have a partner with whom he could procreate the human race. According to apocryphal texts, they taught humanity in areas such as art, science, and technology and forbidden knowledge such as weapon-making.

The sons of Anu are mentioned numerous times throughout ancient Mesopotamian literature; they are described as having wings and eyes like lightning bolts (which is certainly an apt description). Their leader was named Urakabarameel (or Armaros); he was said to be tall with a beard down his chest—which may explain why he was so difficult to spot among all those naked Sumerians running around! At some point during this period, there were two other angels called Samyaza (Samael) and Azazel who became leaders of this group after Urakabarameel departed from Earth; these two would eventually rebel against God alongside him during their lifetimes on Earth--and Samyaza even tried his hand at rebelling many centuries later when he turned into the serpent known as Leviathan to seduce Eve before she had been tempted by the Nephilim himself!


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