Is This Even Real? Discovering an Indonesian Volcano! VLOG PART 2

Описание к видео Is This Even Real? Discovering an Indonesian Volcano! VLOG PART 2

Part 2 of the Jakarta vlog.. there's yet one last part to go, 12 days of footage couldn't fit it all into one vlog as it was exceeding an hour but let me know if you guys like long vlogs as well.
The volcano is called Kawah Putih, it is an inactive volcano currently and has a lot of sulphur emissions, if you have breathing issues and if you're pregnant its advised you don't stay there for long hours and wear a mask.For more details on the volcano you check my instagram post -
We took a bullet train from jakarta to bandung as it is the fastest means of transport, by car it takes longer but make sure you have a private car or a taxi arranged at arrival to take you around in bandung. Also, i would say avoid booking the tickets online because like us you might end up reaching a few minutes or seconds later than your scheduled train departure and then the tickets goes for a waste, so come to the station and buy the ticket. Not to worry there is a train every 10-15 mins.
I'm also running a giveaway contest for this video, the question is - How long did it take us to reach home from Bandung ? Make sure you have subscribed to my channel and comment below the duration. I will be choosing one lucky winner from the comments! Contest begins on 23rd June and ends on 30th June 2024.


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