Database Management System MCQ Questions Answers | DBMS Class 12-9 MCQs Ch 16 Notes PDF | DBMS App

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Database Management System MCQ Questions Answers | DBMS Class 12-9 MCQs Ch 16 Notes PDF | DBMS e-Book App

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Download Database Management System MCQ, Class 9-12 Database Management System Short Notes PDF (Chapter 16) & DBMS Quiz Questions and Answers. Free Database Management System App Download: Database Management System MCQs e-Book PDF, Class 11, 10, 9, & 12 DBMS Notes on topics: SQL mcqs, database mcqs, records mcqs, database system mcqs, hardware mcqs, software mcqs, fields mcqs, files mcqs, and proprietary language mcqs for competitive exam preparation.

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The "Database Management System" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers key for Class 10, 11, 12, & 9 Database Management System Exam as:

MCQ 1: SQL uses the keyword UPDATE that means
MCQ 2: A system in which at most one user can access the database at any given time, is known as
MCQ 3: The rows of the table can be thought of as the file's
MCQ 4: The commands are all expressed in a language called
MCQ 5: The Records of the files are stored in
MCQ 6: A database that not shared in the foregoing sense is said to be
MCQ 7: In extended CELLAR table, we can add up audio recordings using command
MCQ 8: The term that refers to the processed form of raw facts and figures, is known as
MCQ 9: The term that refers to what is actually stored in the database is known as
MCQ 10: SQL is officially pronounced as
MCQ 11: A system in which many users can access the database at the same time, is known as
MCQ 12: A database system involves major components: hardware, software and
MCQ 13: The Fields of the files are stored in
MCQ 14: SQL is originally a proprietary language from
MCQ 15: A small database containing just one file, is called

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