Vianney Leduc, President of the Ottawa Bonsai Society - "Japan, Canada, & Me!"

Описание к видео Vianney Leduc, President of the Ottawa Bonsai Society - "Japan, Canada, & Me!"

Vianney Leduc is the President of the Ottawa Bonsai Society. They hold interactive workshops throughout the year, as well as an annual exhibit at the Embassy of Japan.

Learn more about the Ottawa Bonsie Society here:
Facebook:   / bonsaiottawa  

2018 marks the 90th Anniversary of Japan-Canada relations. To celebrate, each week of 2018 we will be highlighting the unique contributions of 1 individual strengthening the bond between Japan and Canada.

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Twitter:   / japanincanada  
Facebook:   / infoculembassyofjapanca  

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Toronto:   / cgjapanto  
Vancouver:   / japancons_vanc  

Follow the Facebook accounts for the Consulate General of:
Toronto:   / japanconstoronto  
Calgary:   / japanconscalgary  
Vancouver:   / japancons.vancouver  
Montreal:   / japanconsmontreal  


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