common drop etho slab clips from some1 whos started watching him just this week

Описание к видео common drop etho slab clips from some1 whos started watching him just this week

literally trying 2 drown myself in comics/media so i can remove myself as fast as possible but i wanted 2 make a lil thing of this guy this this yeah

im actually alone 4 1nce 4 like a good amount of time so ✨✨✨✨✨✨ 2 that
ill link everything l8r when im on a computer itll b so much easierfrrrrreffgvvv

love talking 2 myself all i do is ramble rmanlersmble

my parents looking @ me funny when i say "rip warden/so srry ur gone" 4 the 30th time 2day
i just gotta say it
what is this description LAKOFJSKPSHNB im i need 2 take my fingers off the keyboard


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