Roblox Brookhaven RP: Mystery Of The Agency: Episode 2: Saving Levan & Russia Mission

Описание к видео Roblox Brookhaven RP: Mystery Of The Agency: Episode 2: Saving Levan & Russia Mission

The Mystery Of The Agency Series Is a series about the events after the Wrath Of Rokuh. It involves Dave & Bug having to solve a new threat, Known as "The Nova Corps Agency". They must figure out how to stop new threats, Figure out the truth, Fight the Agency, Stop a potential threat to all of astral city, Stop the galactic shadow empire & Dawnstar empire returning, & Figure out how to band the astral empire back together..

In this episode, Dave and soldiers go to Russia to chase after the agency and figure out how to save Levan. Dave meets back up with some old friends, Including Harris and Vlad on his way through Russia, He goes to save Levan and the agency have a new weapon up their sleeve..

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