SHALLOW WATER BLACKOUT | What is it, Prevention & What To Do if it Occurs

Описание к видео SHALLOW WATER BLACKOUT | What is it, Prevention & What To Do if it Occurs

What is a Shallow Water Blackout? This is a common question from beginner freedivers and snorkelers, and in this episode you're going to learn what it is, how to prevent it, and what to do if a shallow water blackout happens on a dive.

Safety isn't exciting, but it may just save your life. Make sure your buddy watches this episode! There are a number of things that you must be doing as a buddy pair to ensure that you're ready if a shallow water blackout happens to step in and save each other, and learn how to prevent it happening.

This episodes a little different - it's designed to keep you and your buddy safe. Hope you learnt something from episode 5 of Master The Hunt, our new educational series that will teach you everything you need to know from How to Snorkel, Advanced Freediving and Breath-hold techniques, all the way up to Advanced Spearfishing Tactics and Sustainable and Ethical Fishing guides.

Good luck in the water, have fun and stay safe!

Given it's 2021 we have to do the following...
Disclaimer: Snorkelling, Freediving, and Spearfishing are extreme sports, and the ocean can be dangerous. This virtual series provides general tips and techniques and it is not a certification. Snorkel, Freedive, and Spearfish at your own risk. Safety information presented throughout may be outdated by the time the series airs and by the time you watch this the video. You should update yourself on all techniques related to the sport and safety before attempting anything in the water.

Remember to always dive with a buddy and fish sustainably and ethically!

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See You Underwater, and Happy Hunting


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