Daemon's Song | Hāros Bartossi | High Valyrian Dragon Lullaby | Female Cover

Описание к видео Daemon's Song | Hāros Bartossi | High Valyrian Dragon Lullaby | Female Cover

The dragon lullaby, or the song Daemon sings to Vermithor in the dragon pits in the season finale of HBO's House of the Dragon. Female cover.

Valyrian lyrics and English translation included.
Lyrics can be found below:

"Drakari pykiros
Tīkummo jemiros
Yn lantyz bartossa
Saelot vāedis
Hen ñuhā elēnī:
Perzyssy vestretis
Se gēlȳn irūdaks
Perzyro udrȳssi
Ezīmptos laehossi
Hārossa letagon
Aōt vāedan
Hae mērot gierūli:
Se hāros bartossi
Prūmȳsa sōvīli
Gevī dāerī

NOTE: Please be aware that I am not a singer in any way! But I wanted to try my hand at recreating this beautiful song, with emotion and rawness.
In addition, whilst I have tried to pronounce the lyrics from what I could glean from Matt Smith's stunning performance, they may not be perfect (maybe they are, but as it is a fictional language, who can really say?)
Finally, there were a couple of instances where a symbol' above the letter 'y' should appear in the Valyrian lyrics, but my editing software freaked out whenever I tried to include it, so I had to leave it out on the video.


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