Monster Hunter Frontier Z: Duremudira... Sort of... (2nd District)

Описание к видео Monster Hunter Frontier Z: Duremudira... Sort of... (2nd District)

(The first video was from one of my test recordings during the Frontier Z play through series. It was made during the night so I had to keep quiet, lol. Perfectly fitting for this occasion, so I saw it as a pretty big win) Huge shout out to Dalek Thal and the other players for helping me out through this fight days before the servers closed. Not the best result, but I'm happy with what I've got regardless. Thanks a ton everyone!

Before I begin the thorough division process in regards to what makes this now classified elder dragon (I wish to know why it took them so long) so fucking brilliant in a whole multitude of ways for deriving a flawless Frontier monster concept, the imploding factors of sky comet built up excitement I've contained in my mind just for witnessing Duremudira alone... sadly met an unforeseeable experience once I saw it eye to eye for the last time. I truly wish I could find a way to go back and rectify this the way I've expected it to be, but alas. 2nd District had to catch an extremely severe case of lag via twitch stream. (Surprisingly it only affects the monsters) As mediocre and incomplete this all turned out to be, I'm still glad to have at least seen the final phase anyway

*|| If you want to see a fully complete experience of this monster, check out Odie's channel:    / @odiemhf   They're a Duremudira fanatic so everything is all covered ||*

Cast aside the mortifying explanations and bestow prestigious insight. Not to compete with the Primarina of a Frontier monster connoisseur/seuse, BUT I ABSOLUTELY ADORE EVERYTHING ABOUT DUREMUDIRA!

If there was any way to properly interpret this dreadfully demonic Ridley elder dragon hybrid, take the details of Shiten Unknown's element of purely written sense of fearful mystery but added with extra lore, and Shiten Dhisufiroa's demoralizing backdrop of unholy chaos drawing the very image of an apocalypse, fuse them together as one, and augment their elements to a scale that's nothing but STRAIGHT. FUCKING. ATOMIC.

This is FAR from being an ordinary quest in Frontier. Duremudira is just that kind of elder dragon that follows both rules in shiten by doubling down so coddamn far, that simply getting hit or even dying once is unbelievably punishable via subtracting the time limit by 60 seconds. Once you bear the sheer will to enter inside the frozen den, the petrifying ambiance released within is more than enough to indicate a sign of misfortune and complete disaster signaled by immense provocation striking down with dismay. Every waking second during this event looks, plays, and feels like you're experiencing a living breathing nightmare. It's an ordeal like no other that expresses the idea of darkness slathering everywhere inside that perfectly acts like a torture chamber. Incarcerated. The final stand of showing just how brave and strong one hunter can possibly manage by standing up against this overly corrupt source of nature. In my opinion, minus the musous, 2nd District Duremudira is the most difficult monster in the entire game. Exactly like the shitens, it DEMANDS perfection to succeed. On another surprising note, choosing to forfeit the battle doesn't show an icon reading "Quest Abandon/Retire." Instead, in front of God and everybody, it'll say "Guild Rescue." And holy shit that is a GIGANTIC red flag if I've ever seen one. It just goes to show how dead serious the developers portray Duremudira's unsolved purpose as an interloper in the Sky Corridor. Either that or the slaying quest by itself is made for an extremely important reason. It's painful for me to say that we'll never know. Except that it's pretty much obvious enough as is. Yeeaah.. let's NOT allow this thing to run rampant and keep it's existence a secret from the public

Additionally, it acts like a milestone in a way. Clearing 20 floors in the endless trial feature will unlock both districts. And you only get one chance to slay it. If you fail, then that's it. You suffer it's wrath and you're proven as a weakling. It's a quest that requires mastering both the game and the fight all at once. Meeting those conditions is surely rewarding in the end so I believe. A shame that I couldn't invest enough time, but it's better than nothing

Also, seeing the venomous 2nd phase just starting to infect the entire room like a disease insidiously throughout the fight is visually an amazing sight. Combining that with the crimson air surrounding the screen until it forms a solid mass slowly shattering to pieces AS THE TRANSITION FOR THE FINAL PHASE is one of the most epic things I have ever seen in a video game boss fight. It really sucks that the Z update butchered the synchronization for the music initiating the final form though

Mark my words. Once a private server is enabled, I'll give it everything I've got next time

One day, Duremudira
Count on it

I am SO PROUD of the description I came up with for the music in Phase 1


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