Testing CONTRAST Paints by Citadel - Full Review & Mike's Picks

Описание к видео Testing CONTRAST Paints by Citadel - Full Review & Mike's Picks

00:05 - Talassar Blue, Ultramarines Blue, Leviadon Blue
02:29 - Aethermatic Blue
03:32 - Ahkelian Green, Terradon Turquiose
04:48 - Creed Camo, Militarum Green, Dark Angels Green, Warp Lightning, Ork Flesh
06:51 - Gryph-hound Orange, Blood Angels Red, Flesh Tearers Red
08:30 - Nazdreg Yellow, Iyanden Yellow
10:21 - Fyreslayer Flesh, Darkoath Flesh, Guilliman Flesh
12:38 - Skeleton Horde, Aggaros Dunes, Snakebite Leather
15:04 - Gore Grunta Fur, Wyldwood, Cygor Brown
16:55 - Volupus Pink, Magos Purple, Shyish Purple
18:47 - Apothecary White, Gryph-charger Grey, Space Wolves Grey
21:11 - Plaguebearer Flesh
21:37 - Basilicanum Grey, Black Templar
23:32 - Mike's Picks

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