The 25 Best 2 Player Games on PS4

Описание к видео The 25 Best 2 Player Games on PS4

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0:00 Start
0:15 Sponsored by Code Atma
0:25 Untitled Goose Game
0:56 Legend of Mana
1:22 Trine 2: Complete Story
1:40 One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
2:22 Door Kickers: Action Squad
2:53 Samurai Warriors 5
3:16 Skylanders: Trap Team
3:42 Knights and Bikes
4:05 LEGO Dimensions
4:27 Children of Morta
4:52 Arise: A Simple Story
5:20 Crypt of the Necrodancer
5:42 #Sponsored by Code Atma
6:49 Cat Quest II
7:12 Nuclear Throne
7:38 Cuphead
8:03 Resogun
8:28 Hyper Light Drifter
8:54 Sonic Mania Plus
9:25 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
9:49 Enter the Gungeon
10:39 Salt and Sanctuary
11:07 Nex Machina
11:35 It Takes Two
12:08 Divinity: Original Sin 2

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